Creating a Culture of Radical Candor: Insights from Kim Scott’s Bestselling Book

Jody Britten
3 min readMay 1, 2023

I came across a friend’s GoodReads list and was delighted to see “Radical Candor: Be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity” by Kim Scott among their top recommendations. Written in 2019, I grabbed it when it was hot off the press. As the leaders I coach and support eagerly lead organizations to remarkable places of influence, I kept this book and the contents handy.

Though it was on my shelf, it wasn’t until recently that I reread the entire book to bring some of what Scott initially taught me back into perspective.

Similar to my experience in 2019, I found Scott’s book to (once again) present a refreshing approach to leadership.

She eloquently challenges the traditional command-and-control management style and emphasizes building solid relationships with team members through honest and direct communication. The central premise of Radical Candor is that the best leaders can balance caring personally for their team members while challenging them directly. In Scott’s examples (many of which have rung true to my work), challenging is not about putting someone in their place. Rather challenging is empowering your team members to bring their whole selves to work.

When you make this choice as a leader, you welcome everyone on your team to use every skill and asset they have. You acknowledge that your organization benefits not from the warm body filling a role but from the fantastic person you, as a leader, took the time to hire.

This approach is essential for fostering a culture of trust and mutual respect, leading to higher engagement, productivity, and overall team performance.

Scott’s message resonates strongly with those of us in the education field, where the need for effective leadership is more critical than ever. As schools and educational systems evolve, we must have leaders capable of guiding their teams through change and uncertainty. Scott’s emphasis on radical candor to build solid relationships and promote open communication is especially relevant in this context.

One of the most valuable aspects of Radical Candor is Scott’s emphasis on the importance of feedback. As educators, we know feedback is critical to learning and growth for students and ourselves as professionals. However, giving and receiving feedback can be difficult, and many of us are uncomfortable offering direct criticism to our colleagues.

Scott’s approach to feedback is refreshing in its simplicity and accessibility.

She encourages leaders to offer specific, timely, and actionable feedback while acknowledging the emotional impact that feedback can have on the recipient. By framing feedback as an opportunity for growth and improvement rather than a personal attack, leaders can create a culture where feedback is welcomed and valued.

I love the emphasis on building solid relationships with team members. Scott argues that leaders who care personally about their team members are better able to create an environment where people feel valued and respected. This, in turn, leads to higher levels of engagement and motivation among team members. Scott’s approach to relationship-building is grounded in empathy and compassion. She encourages leaders to take the time to understand their team members’ personal and professional goals. By doing so, leaders can support, encourage, guide, and continually engage team members in meaningful and effective ways.

Scott provides fantastic tools to help leaders reflect on and see how their behaviors and choices support and deter radical candor. One of my favorite tools available on the companion website is the guidebook “Making Better Decisions, Spending Less Time In Meetings & Getting Shit Done Like a Boss.” You can download that and others here.

In this era of rapid change and uncertainty, effective leadership is more critical than ever.

By embracing Scott’s message of radical candor, we might be able to build stronger teams, foster deeper relationships, and create a culture of trust and respect that benefits everyone.

Your organization is waiting. Are you in for a little bit of radical Kim Scott style? Check out the Radical Candor companion site for more information and resources.

Jody is a long-time advocate and thought leader in learning and technology. She supports educators, private sector leaders, nonprofit professionals, and other stakeholders working to support innovation for social good. Keep up with her work at or sign up for updates to learn more.



Jody Britten

fierce mom, constant learner, writer, speaker, researcher, thinker, designer, gadget queen, advocate for learning that matters & public ed, lead with my actions